​​​​​The Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) supports the Collective Bargaining process for Maryland State government employees, employers, and the exclusive representatives (unions) representing state government employees.​ 

***PERB encourages calling the office ahead of time if you wish to make an in person delivery or have an in person meeting.*** ​​


What is ​Collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining is defined in State Personnel & Pensions (SPP) Article, 3-101(d) as:

  1. (1) good faith negotiations by authorized representatives of employees and their employer with the intention of:
    1. (i) 1. reaching an agreement about wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment; and
    2.     2. incorporating the terms of the agreement in a written memorandum of understanding or other written understanding; or
    3. (ii) clarifying terms and conditions of employment;
  2. (2) administration of terms and conditions of employment; or
  3. (3) the voluntary adjustment of a dispute or disagreement between authorized representatives of employees and their employer that arises under a memorandum of understanding or other written understanding.

See if you are covered by PERB

On July 1, 2023, the State Labor Board, Higher Education Labor Board, and Public School Labor Board were dissolved, and their jurisdictions and authorities were given to PERB, in addition to some authorities beyond those held by the three previous boards. See all board decisions

Types of cases we can support​​

If you meet the criteria for who we help, we can support the following types of cases:

  • Representation Election Petitions
  • Decertification Petition
  • Unit Clarification Petition
  • Impasse Requests
  • Negotiability Disputes
  • Unfair Labor Practice Charges

Read more about the case types and the process for filing

I filed a complaint now what?

How do I appeal a Board decision?​



